Euonymus alatus compactus

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Euonymus alatus Compactus - Törpe szárnyas kecskerágó. Társítás és elhelyezés a kertben: A törpe szárnyas kecskerágó Compactus fajtája egy kompakt, kis vagy közepes termetű, lombhullató cserje, amely igen széles, sűrű hajtásrendszerű bokrot nevel. Őszi lombszíne élénkvörös és rózsaszín színekben játszik.. Euonymus alatus Compactus - szárnyas kecskerágó | Florapont. Az Euonymus alatus Compactus - szárnyas kecskerágó közepes méretű, lombhullató cserje

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. Igazi díszértékét ősszel élénkvörösre színeződő lombja adja. Kiszerelés: konténer, 2 literes, 20/40 cm; Rendelhető: 2024 tavasz; Áruda: Magyar cserjék és évelők. Szárnyas Kecskerágó (Euonymus alatus) gondozása, szaporítása. A A Egynyári Évelő (Cserje) Hagyma / Gumó Örökzöld Sziklakerti Alacsony Nyári Őszi A szárnyas kecskerágó őszi díszbe öltözött lombja az évszak egyik legszebb dísze, hiszen megszínesedett leveleinek különleges ragyogó rózsaszín-pirosas árnyalata igazi különlegesség.. Euonymus alatus Compactus (Burning Bush) - Gardenia. Noted for its spectacular fall foliage and very ornamental berries, Euonymus alatus Compactus (Burning Bush) is a compact, medium-sized, spreading, deciduous shrub of great interest. Its foliage of elliptic, rich green leaves in spring to summer turns impressive scarlet red in the fall, before shedding to the ground, revealing thin tan strips .. Euonymus alatus Compactus|compact winged spindle/RHS Gardening. Compactus is a compact spreading deciduous small shrub, developing prominent corky ridges on the branches. Leaves ovate-elliptic, turning rosy-red in autumn. Small green flowers followed by red-purple fruits containing orange seeds. Kolibri kertészet - Euonymus (Kecskerágó). Euonymus alatus Compactus (Törpe szárnyas kecskerágó) 1,5 méter magas, kompakt formájó kecskerágó. Igazi díszértékét ősszel élénkvörösre színeződő lombja adja. Ágrendszerét feltűnő, dekoratív paralécek díszítik. Napos helyet szeret, nyáron locsolást igényel.. Euonymus alatus Compactus - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden. Euonymus alatus, commonly called winged euonymus, burning bush, winged burning bush or winged spindle tree, is a dense, mounded, spreading, flat-topped, multi-stemmed shrub that is particularly noted for its fiery red fall foliage color. It is native to forests, woodlands and scrub areas in eastern Russia, Japan, China and Korea.. Euonymus alatus - Wikipedia. Siebold. Euonymus alatus, known variously as winged spindle, winged euonymus, or burning bush, is a species of flowering plant in the family Celastraceae, native to central and northern China, Japan, and Korea. The common name "burning bush" refers to its bright red fall color.. Euonymus alatus Compactus | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Euonymus alatus Compactus is a compact and denser variety of the winged spindle shrub, with dark-leaves and vibrant autumn colours. Learn about its height, spread, soil, pruning, mulching, and wildlife value.. Euonymus alatus Compactus - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant .. A dwarf cultivar of winged burning bush with bright red fall color and small, inconspicuous flowers. It is a deciduous shrub that can be kept shorter by pruning and easily transplanted. It is poisonous and invasive in some areas, so be aware of its potential effects on wildlife and gardeners.. Euonymus alatus Compactus - Landscape Plants | Oregon State University. Learn about the characteristics, habitat, and cultivation of Euonymus alatus Compactus, a deciduous shrub with opposite, medium to dark green leaves, red fall color, and winged stems. This cultivar is native to Oregon and has a formal, aristocratic appearance, but be aware of its invasive nature and potential for woodland areas.. Euonymus alatus Compactus - winged spindle or fire bush. Plant description. A compact, dense, bushy, deciduous shrub with dark green leaves turning brilliant shades of strawberry-red in autumn. This winged spindle is named after the large, corky wings that are revealed after it has shed its leaves. Best planted in an area where the sun catches the spectacular autumn foliage, it makes an excellent .. Dwarf Burning Bush, Euonymus alatus Compactus, Monrovia Plant. OVERVIEW DETAILS STYLE CARE Care Easy to grow; adapts to most average, well-drained soils. Avoid poorly drained, soggy soils. Water deeply, regularly during first growing season to establish an extensive root system; reduce frequency, once established. Apply fertilizer in early spring.. Euonymus alatus COMPACTUS - Compactus je o něco menší odrůda brslenu křídlatého s velmi hustým habitem. Poznáte ji na první pohled podle hladkých větviček i kmene, protože Compactus nemá tak výrazné 4-hranné větévky jako botanický druh, ale hustota větvení a olistění je několikanásobná.. How to Grow Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus) - BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Learn how to plant, care for and prune the burning bush or fire bush (Euonymus alatus), a robust shrub that turns vivid shades of scarlet and crimson in autumn. Find out about the compact variety Compactus suitable for smaller gardens.. Euonymus alatus Compactus - Ashwood Nurseries. A beautiful compact selection of Euonymus alatus which is perfect for the smaller garden. Its prized for its brilliant fiery red autumn colour and has an added bonus of unusual corky wings on the branches during the winter months. Highly recommended. Soil Type : Acid, Heavy clay, Normal Aspect : Sun, Partial Shade Hardiness* : Hardy. Euonymus alatus Compactus | Thompson & Morgan. Description. A dwarf Spindle with a neat, compact habit - perfect for small gardens and confined spaces! The branches have the same conspicuous, corky wings as its larger cousins, which make a lovely feature in winter when the leaves have been shed. Euonymus alatus Compactus is second to none for autumn colour.. Euonymus alatus Compactus pflanzen und pflegen - Mein schöner Garten. Steckbrief Herkunft. Euonymus alatus stammt aus dem Osten Asiens und besiedelt dort Gegenden, die klimatisch Mitteleuropa ähneln. Wuchs. Der Korkflügelstrauch Compactus baut sich dicht verzweigt auf eine Höhe von etwa 130 Zentimeter auf und wird. Blätter. Euonymus alatus Compactus hat .. Niedriger Korkspindelstrauch / Korkflügelstrauch Compactus - Euonymus .

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. Euonymus alatus Compactus winterhart feines, dichtverzweigtes Wurzelwerk, oberflächennah schnittverträglich pflegeleicht Herbstfärbung am sonnigen Standort am intensivsten. Euonymus alatus Compactus - Fusain ailé nain - Promesse de fleurs. Euonymus alatus Compactus Fusain ailé, Fusain ardent 56 avis Pot de 2L/3L (Hauteur livrée env. 30/40cm) Dès 12,50 € Lunité: 14,90 € Les 3: 37,50 € soit 12,50 € lunité Réf: 781534 Pot de 4L/5L (Hauteur livrée env. 50cm) Dès 18,50 € Lunité: 21,50 € Les 3: 55,50 € soit 18,50 € lunité Réf: 78153431 Pot de 7,5L/10L (Hauteur livrée env. 50/60cm). Euonymus alatus "Compactus" - Fusain aile Nain / Dwarf . - Jardin2m. Euonymus. Euonymus alatus "Compactus". Le rendu de la plante peut varier en fonction du moment dans lannée. Hauteur 1,5 m. Largeur 1,5 m. Zone de rusticité 3. Exposition SOLEIL, MI-OMBRE, OMBRE. Garantie : 1 an. Arbuste aux rameaux quadrangulaires très intéressant pour sa coloration rouge vif à lautomne.. Euonymus alatus Compactus - Flemings. Euonymus alatus. Compactus. A slow growing, compact shrub that performs well in sun or shade. Noted for brilliant autumn foliage colour even when grown in quite shady positions. Suitable as an attractive hedging or specimen plant in parks and gardens and for mass plantings. Share on Pinterest.. Euonymus alatus Compactus - Kardinaalshoed - Appeltern Adventure Gardens. Euonymus alatus Compactus - Kardinaalshoed. Zon, Halfzon (=halfschaduw) Kardinaalsmutsfamilie. uitstekend (-34,4 tot -28,9°C), USDA zone 4. grijzig, jonge takken bezet met korte kurklijsten. purperrood, bij opengaan oranje zaad zichtbaar

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. Koop tickets.. Burning bush: planting, pruning & more - Plantura. Long, corky "wings" are characteristic of the branches of Euonymus alatus [Photo: tamu1500/] Euonymus alatus Compactus: As its name suggests, the burning bush cultivar Compactus remains much more compact than the species, with a height of 1 to 1.5 meters and about the same width. Even though it is not the .. How to Grow and Care for Burning Bushes | Gardeners Path. Euonymus alatus and E. atropurpureus. The burning bush, Euonymus alatus, is a potentially invasive non-native woody shrub in the Celastraceae family. Its related to the native burning bush, . E. alatus Compactus lives up to its name as a smaller version of this fall favorite. Nature Hills Nursery offers it under the name Compacta.. Dwarf Burning Bush - McKay Nursery. Compactus is a popular burning bush cultivar. It is a deciduous shrub which is not all that "compact" since it typically grows in a mound to 10 tall with a slightly larger spread, though it can easily be kept shorter by pruning. Use this bright red shrub as a specimen, mass planting in foundations, shrub borders, screens or hedges.. Brslen křídlatý Compactus - Euonymus alatus Compactus .

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. Euonymus alatus Compactus je opadavý keř, který se řadí do čeledi Celastraceae - jesencovité. Dorůstá do výšky 1-1,5 m a vytváří rozložitý, ale oproti původnímu druhu velice kompaktní keř. Sytě zelené listy se s příchodem chladnějšího počasí na podzim zbarvují jasně červeně. Po opadu listů vyniknou velice působivě tvarované větve. Tvoří se na nich .. Fusain ailé (Euonymus alatus) : taille, bouturage, entretien. Genre: Euonymus Espèce: alatus Famille: Célastracées Origine: Japon, Chine, Corée. Le Fusain ailé est un arbuste au port buissonnant, ramifié et étalé et au feuillage caduc. Dune croissance lente, il mesure 4,50 à 6 m de haut

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. Le saviez-vous ? Le genre compte 175 espèces darbres et darbustes. Le Fusain ailé doit son nom latin, Euonymus, au grec « eu » qui signifie bien et à .. Euonymus alatus Compactus|compact winged spindle/RHS Gardening. compact winged spindle. Compactus is a compact spreading deciduous small shrub, developing prominent corky ridges on the branches. Leaves ovate-elliptic, turning rosy-red in autumn. Small green flowers followed by red-purple fruits containing orange seeds. Join the RHS today and save 25%.. How to Grow and Care for Euonymus, Plus Alternatives | HGTV. Burning bush (Euonymus alatus) is inconspicuous in the landscape for most of the year, but its brilliant display of fiery red fall color has made it a mainstay in many American gardens.Also known as fire bush or winged euonymus, this species may grow to 20 feet tall and wide, although there are many compact varieties available.

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. Euonymus alatus Compactus - Bluebell Arboretum & Nursery. Packed and sent ASAP for delivery within 1-2 working days. A popular dwarf cultivar, Euonymus alatus Compactus has cool green summer leaves and shimmering, bright red autumn colour. The corky wings on the stems are still evident, but less prominent than those on a standard Euonymus alatus. A small shrub with exceptional autumn colour!. Coles Compact Burning Bush, Euonymus alatus Coles Compact - Monrovia. Euonymus alatus Coles Compact. A tidy, well-behaved shrub with compact branching and dense foliage, finer than others of its species. Prized for its blazing red leaf color in autumn that is particularly striking when planted near gold-leaved plants. Very useful as a hedge or landscape accent. Deciduous. Water when top 3 inches of soil is dry.. PDF NAME OF SPECIES - Wisconsin DNR. production. Across three years, Compactus and Rudy Haag produced an average of 1238 and 12 seeds per plant, respectively. (11) Rudy Haag" had very low fruit numbers in the 2011 UW Agronomy Dept. study. Compactus and Select (Fireball TM) had more fruits than Rudy Haag, but much less than Nordine and. Dwarf Compact Burning Bush For Sale | The Tree Center. Euonymus alatus Compactus View more from Euonymus. Dwarf Compact Burning Bush Euonymus alatus Compactus 32 reviews. $44.50. Ships week of 03/10/2024. Select Size #1 Container #2 Container #3 Container #5 Container #7 Container _ 1 + Add to Cart. 30 day - ARRIVE AND THRIVE™ guaranteeLearn more.. Euonymus Diseases & Insect Pests - Home & Garden Information Center. Prevention & Control: The following Euonymus species are resistant to euonymus scale: E. alatus Compactus and E. fortunei Acutus.Consider using these in new plantings. Euonymus scale is difficult to control. With light infestations, the scale can be scraped off by hand and destroyed.

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. Bršlen krídlatý Compactus | Euonymus alatus Compactus. Rastlinu zatiaľ nikto nehodnotil. Bršlen krídlatý je veľmi elegantný, pomaly rastúci, opadavý ker s nádherne vyfarbujúcimi jesennými listami. Jeho hustá, trpasličia odroda Compactus dorastá iba do výšky 1,2 až 1,8 metra. Mladá rastlina má vzpriamený vzrast, v dospelosti sa však jej tvar mení na rozložene zaokrúhlený a .. Corky spindle tree - Euonymus alatus | North Carolina Extension .. The common name burning bush comes from the bright red fall leaf color and the name corky spindle tree refers to the stems which have corky "wings". It can be an upright mound in form, have horizontal branches, have a flat top, or even have multiple stems. Unpruned, the shrub grows tall, up to 20 feet by as much as 12 feet wide.. Bršlen krídlatý Compactus - Euonymus alatus Compactus je kompaktný, opadavý, plazivý ker, ktorý patrí k ozajstným lahôdkam každej záhrady. Jeho listy sú na jar jasne zelené a s príchodom prvých chladnejších jesenných dní sa sfarbujú do nádhernej, karmínovo červenej. Nevýrazné kvety sa objavujú neskoro na jar a ak sú opelené, na jeseň ker ozdobia ohnivo oranžové drobné plody.. Growth Rate of a Dwarf Burning Bush - The dwarf burning bush (Euonymus alatus "Compactus") is one of the more popular cultivars, although the plants common name is somewhat misleading -- when mature, this plant is not a small shrub. Maximum Size. The species plant can reach a maximum height and width of 15 feet, but the cultivars are smaller. The dwarf burning bush grows to a .. winged burning bush: Euonymus alatus (Celastrales: Celastraceae .. Euonymus alatus can invade not only a variety of disturbed habitats including forest edges, old fields, and roadsides but also in undisturbed forests. Birds and other wildlife eat and disperse the fruit. Once established, it can form dense thickets, displacing native vegetation. It is native to northeastern Asia and was first introduced into .. How to Plant a Dwarf Burning Bush - Weekand. Dwarf burning bush (Euonymus alatus "Compactus") illuminates gardens in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8 with weeks of brilliant red fall foliage. The deciduous shrub packs all the pollution, drought and disease resistance of standard-sized burning bushes into its more manageable, 8- to 8-foot height and width.. Euonymus alatus | winged spindle Shrubs/RHS Gardening. Euonymus alatus. winged spindle. A large, spreading, deciduous shrub, the branchlets often developing conspicuous corky wings. Leaves oval, turning rosy-crimson in autumn. Flowers small, greenish, followed by purplish-red fruits splitting to reveal orange seeds. Join the RHS today and save 25%.. Invasive Species Spotlight: Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus). Euonymus alatus is commonly known as burning bush because of its almost neon-red fall color. While this quality—combined with its low maintenance—has made the shrub an ornamental staple in suburban landscaping, it has also become far too common in the woodlands of the eastern United States, where it is recognized as an invasive species in 21 states.. Euonymus alatus - plantare si ingrijire a frumosului arbust rosu aprins. Euonymus alatus - plantare si ingrijire a frumosului arbust rosu aprins. Euonymus alatus (numit și salba cu frunze inaripate) este unul dintre cei mai des întâlniți arbuști din grădini: speciile de frunze persistente sunt un clasic pentru crearea gardurilor vii frumoase. Cele de foioase sunt apreciate pentru frumoasele lor fructe de toamna.. Bonetero alado - Euonymus alatus - INFOJARDIN. - La variedad más difundida es Euonymus alatus Compactus. - Situación: sol o semisombra. - Resistente a la sequía y al viento. - Sustrato: bien drenado; ácido, neutro o alcalino (admite suelos calizos); contenido en nutrientes indiferente; fresco o seco. .. Euonymus alatus - (Thunb.)Siebold. - Plants for a Future. Euonymus alatus is a deciduous Shrub growing to 2 m (6ft) by 3 m (9ft) at a medium rate. See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 3. It is in flower from July to August, and the seeds ripen in October. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils.. Euonymus alatus - OSU HVP. Euonymus alatus Compacta - a "compact" form maturing slowly at 8 tall by 8 wide, with virtually no corky wings on its first-year, relatively thin, but more dense green stems, but only hardy to zone 5; the most popular cultivar by far and abundantly available; sometimes alternatively spelled Euonymus alata Compactus Euonymus alatus .. Is Burning Bush Really an Invasive Species? - Mikes Backyard Nursery. The Burning Bush that is on invasive species lists is the old, heavily winged variety that looks like this; For the sake of simplicity lets put Burning Bush into two categories. 1. What most nurseries grow and sell today is a variety of burning bush that is known as a compact variety. The botanical name is Euonymus Alatus Compacta.. Euonymus alatus Compactus (Krilata trdoleska) - Drevesnica. Euonymus alatus Compactus (Krilata trdoleska) 11,60 € - 36,05 €. Listopadna grmovnica, ki doseže v višino 1-1,5 m, v širino pogosto več. Je ena izmed jeseni najlepše škrlatno obarvanih grmovnic. Okrasna je tudi v lubju-veje krasijo plutasta krilca. Rastišče sončno (lepša jesenska obarvanost), tla zračna, hranljiva.. Efficient plant regeneration from embryogenic cell suspension . - Nature. Euonymus alatus is a deciduous shrub belonging to the family Celastraceae that is mostly native to East Asia. It can grow well in a wide range of soils and environmental conditions 1.Because of .. Euonymus alatus bršlen tmavo červený C5L/ 30-40. Euonymus alatus bršlen patrí medzi jednu z najkrajších odrôd, vďaka svojmu peknému hustému vzrastu a sfarbeniu na jeseň. Listy sú tmavo zelené a počas jesene sa menia na ohnivo červenú. Compactus euonymus alatus bršlen C4L/ 30-40 Do košíka. Euonymus europaeus bršlen C3L/ 50-60 Do košíka. Blondy / Interbolw euonymus .

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. Invasive Plant Factsheet: Burning bush/Winged Euonymus. Distribution. Euonymus alatus has spread aggressively in New England, south to northern Florida and the Gulf Coast. It is also found west to Minnesota, with scattered reports in other western and mid-western states. Background. Euonymus alatus is native to Northeastern Asia, Japan, and Central China. It was introduced to the U.S. in the mid-1800s as an ornamental plant for use in landscaping.. Dwarf Burning Bush - 3 Gallon Pot - Wilson Bros Gardens. No pruning ever required. You might be happy to know that the Dwarf Burning Bush, Euonymus alatus Compacta, is among a new line of sterile non-invasive burning bush plants that took years to develop at the University of Connecticuts College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Get all the details below!. Euonymus japonicus (variegated selections) - Landscape Plants. Euonymus japonicus Silver King Broadleaf evergreen, variegate shrub, erect, to 12 ft tall with a 6 ft spread (3.6 × 1.8 m), rapid growing. Leaves glossy green with cream to yellow margins. Full sun. Will grow in poor soils. Tolerates heat and salt spray. May be grown as a screen. Hardy to USDA Zone (6) 7. Compactus Burning Bush | Shrubs | Great Garden Plants. Details Botanical name: Euonymus alatus Compactus Common name: Dwarf-winged burning bush, winged euonymus, burning bush, winged spindle tree Zone: 4 - 8 Sun exposure: Sun (> 6 hours sun) Height x width: 9-11 x 9-11 Flower color: green, insignificant Foliage color: Green with scarlet red hues in fall. Dwarf-winged burning bush - Euonymus alatus Compactus | North .. Euonymus alatus Compactus This plant has low severity poison characteristics. See below Description Compactus is a dwarf cultivar of winged burning in the Celastraceae family. It is a deciduous shrub that, as its name implies, is a relatively more compact version. Unlike Burning Bush, which can reach heights of 20 feet, the Compactus .. Burning bush (Not recommended) | The Morton Arboretum. To plant and protect trees for a greener, healthier, and more beautiful world. Compact Burning Bush - THE GARDEN WEBSITE.COM. The Euonymus alatus Compactus is called the burning bush because its simple green leaves turn a fiery red in autumn. It is a head turner! The more sun it gets, the more dazzling it is. This award winning deciduous shrub is a cultivar of its much larger cousin, Euonymus alatus, which grows to 20 feet in height and width. Because of its .. Burning bush or winged euonymus | (Euonymus alatus) | Wisconsin DNR. Common names: burning tree, winged burning bush, burning euonymus, winged wahoo, winged spindle-tree. Scientific names: Euonymus striata, Celastrus alata, Celastrus striata. Classification in Wisconsin: Restricted (including the Nordine cltivar and excluding all other cultivars). Straight species and the cultivar Nordine re restricted.. Euonymus alatus | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Euonymus alatus. Euonymus alatus is a dark-leaved shrub, inconspicuous for most of the year but in autumn it comes into its own when the foliage turns vivid shades of scarlet and crimson. The summer flowers are insignificant, but they result in attractive purple and red fruits which split open to form four winged lobes with a bright orange seed at the centre.. Dont Get Burned by "Burning Bush" - Daves Garden. Burning bush, presumably named after the burning bush which appeared to Moses, has such bright red fall foliage that it could appear to be on fire. Euonymous alatus is a beautiful addition to the New England fall landscape. Wildlife nest and shelter in its branches and birds and small mammals snack on its bright red berries.. Euonymus Plant Companions - Gardening Know How

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. Euonymus plant species come in a range of shapes and types. They include evergreen shrubs such as evergreen euonymus (Euonymus japonicus), deciduous shrubs like winged euonymus (Euonymus alatus), and evergreen vines like wintercreeper euonymus (Euonymus fortunei).Whichever you have planted in your yard, youll need to find euonymus companion plants that complement them.. Fecundity of Winged Euonymus Cultivars and Their Ability to . - hortsci. Winged euonymus [Euonymus alatus (Thunb.)] is an important landscape shrub that has demonstrated its potential to be invasive in numerous states across the central and northern United States

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. Nine cultivars were evaluated for their potential to produce fruits and seeds in a randomized, replicated field planting. Seeds from all cultivars were evaluated for germination rate and initial survival .. Euonymus alatus - Szárnyas kecskerágó. Az Euonymus alatus - Szárnyas kecskerágó főbb jellemző. Habitus: Kis vagy közepes termetű lombhullató cserje, mely igen terebélyes bokrot nevel, szélessége gyakran meghaladja a magasságát. Felfelé vagy kissé elterülve állnak hajtásai, amelyen széles lándzsás levelei fejlődnek, amelyek ősszel igazán izzó, rózsaszín .. Brslen - Euonymus alatus ´COMPACTUS´ (km. 80cm,kont. 5 litrů). Kompletní specifikace. Prodáváme ve velkém kontejneru 5 litrů dvou leté roubované rostliny na kmínku 80 cm. Euonymus alatus Compactus - elegantní, atraktivní keř s malými, elegantními listy, jasně zelené na jaře, nápadné odstíny jasně červené po dlouhou dobu na podzim. Tvoří nízký stromek, zhruba 1 až 1,5 m vysoký a .. ニシキギ - Wikipedia. ニシキギ(錦木 、学名: Euonymus alatus または Euonymus alatus f. alatus )とはニシキギ科ニシキギ属の落葉低木。 庭木や生垣、盆栽にされることが多く、樹皮は薬用となる。別名、ヤハズニシキギ。カミソリノキとも呼ばれるが、これは茨城県や栃木県(塩谷郡、日光市)の方言名であった(参照 .. Euonymus japonicus | Landscape Plants | Oregon State University. Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: Broadleaf evergreen shrub, 10-15 ft (3-4.5 m) high, very dense, oval in full sun, more open, sprawly, in shade. Leaves opposite, simple, obovate to narrowly oval, 2.5-7.5 cm long, lustrous dark green, leathery, tapered at base, serrated except at base. Flowers greenish white, 8 mm wide, blooms in early summer.. Euonymus alatus, Winged Euonymus, Burning Bush - Plant Database .. Compactus - This selection is a standard in the nursery trade and one of the most common landscape plants. The mature size is smaller than the species, but the plant still is large and may grow to 10 tall. Foliage appearance is different from other Euonymus alatus cultivars. Monstrosus - An unusual plant with large, vigorous habit ..